Wednesday, July 9, 2014

its ramadhan..again!

Alhamdulillah...Allah gave us the opportunity to be able to fast again this year, and be able to perform our duty as a Muslim... always remember that whenever we get the chance, means that Allah wants us to improve more and to do more that what we did in the previous Ramadan...

For me, this year of celebrating Ramadan is slightly different than the previous Ramadan that I ever had..more fun, more meaningful and I feel bless and grateful to Allah for all the nikmat He had granted to me...

So, I want to share with anyone who is reading this post about my previous Ramadan that I think will make us learn something which I hope is beneficial for all of us Inshaa Allah..

I started fasting during Ramadan since I was around 7 years first, it was hard..Imagine a 7 years old little girl, that suddenly was told by her parents "dear, this year Ramadan U need to fast"...I never see the hikmah behind it, up until now... I though fasting was all about no eating, no drinking, breaking fast like you have not eat for thousand years...I was quite embarrassed myself once I remember my" Fasting moments" previously..Ramadan is something special actually, indeed.

When we fast because we think that we have to,  we need re-set our intentions. We are actually having the wrong idea once we have that kind of mentality in our mind about fasting.

Personally, I started to notice that fasting is special when I was watching television, there was this motivator from a religious show, who said that "the prophet was in war when he was fasting and during Ramadan he went through a lot of war"...I felt like "even the prophet was going through a lot of thing during Ramadan,i should be be able to be stronger and shouldn't make Ramadan as the reason why I cannot do my things"...

Lots of people, even myself always make reason to not doing nothing during Ramadan  just because we cannot eat so we are so weak we can do nothing. seriously, I found this as the most lame reason ever, after I noticed that even when U are fasting U can still do everything U want to do. Can't U see why Prophet saw asked us, his ummat to wake up early in the morning and to eat or sahur?

Sahur is the thing that differentiate us Muslim with the Jewish, in terms of fasting... we eat something so that we will have the energy for the rest of the day. Previously, it was so hard for me to sahur, but this year I am determined enough to wake up and eat something during sahur..back then, my parents used to bring me a glass of milk, or a glass of least I drink something just to follow the sunnah..what a spoilt brat I was... but now, I eat with my family during sahur, and I realise that this is one of the speciality of Ramadan which is sahur, U wake up with your eyes barely open but U still have the courage to sit on the dining table and eat something because you want to fast, you want to gain the thawab, or good deeds right from Allah. This is what make it so special.

Everything we do is for Allah, originally then it is counted as ibadah as long as it is not haram..remember this... how many of us, do something, and our nawaitu is "lillah hi taala?'..
Sometimes, or most of the time we forget... but if are reading this, then let us do some changes..while we are still alive and while Allah still give us the something...

Let it be small, rather have than nothing...
Actually I have a lot more to write but need to work on something..but I hope this will benefits anyone who are willing to read...

Happy Ramadan, 10 days has passed..another 20 days to go..

P/s:i am not an ustazah or a motivator, but a Muslim who wish to share her experience...