Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dealing with too many issues?ask yourself why does it happen.

In life, you cannot expect your life to be so amazing. There are times when you have to open up yourself to deal with the problems or issues.

Personally, I deal with random issues which are, for me, UNEXPECTED. Relationship, studies, family and friends are usually on my problem's list...The truth is that you cannot avoid yourself from facing any issues. No matter how constantly you are dealing with it, deal with it wisely.

Hmm who loves issues? who likes to have problem? no one...but who can guarantee that life without problem would be better?...

Facing the issue is a solution, deal with it is better than letting it go without knowing that it is settle. which one do u prefer? Let it go just like that OR do something about it..

As we grow up, the way we solve things or problems will definitely be different. You need to decide on your own which path is the best to be taken. You need to think of your surrounding, and the people who loves you. At the end, what you choose is the best for you and everyone. But if u feel something missing after deciding, then something is wrong somewhere. so review back the solution and decision u have made.

Deep in your heart, you will know what is the best. Think with  your brain, feel with your heart. Do not misuse the brain and heart.

If you decide something just like "biarlah,lantaklah, whateverlah", trust me you are not solving the problem. Hati tak ikhlas, perbuatan pun akan kelihatan macam tak redha.

I am not a psychologist...I am a student, who has problem with herself and hope she can give something to people who read this..This remind me of a hadith narrated from Prophet SAW

Dari Abu Ruqayah Tamim bin Aus Ad-Dhari r.a, bahawasanya Nabi SAW bersabda : ' Agama itu adalah nasihat. ' Kami sekelian bertanya : ' Untuk siapa ? ' Maka jawab Rasulullah SAW : ' Bagi Allah, kitabNya, RasulNya dan bagi penganjur-penganjur kaum Muslimin dan orang awamnya. '

keep sharing...:)

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