Thursday, February 18, 2016

Road to marriage 1 #farahiqi

Salam...and good day..

Its je dah 2016 kann...Alhamdulilah lots of good things had happened and about to happen in my life...I finally done with lectures and classes and thesis, so right now just waiting for practicum for about 4 months...anddd waiting to be a wife, inshaa Allah...

So, as time flies unexpected things had and Mr.F were engaged in a very close ceremony...and we put aside the "custom", so no rings which for me is very sweet cuz we choose to be engaged without letting others to know about it except for close friends andddd family...

Yup,our parents decided that we should get married in March...its a good thing so why bother holding it roght?...i agree, Mr.F agree so yes we are so now we are waiting,preparing and pray Allah will ease everything...

Haha..its very tough people..when u like about to get married...lots of emotion in ones's body and trust sometimes it bothers you much..but deep really deep inside you know Allah had answered your prayer...

So...This is the very first part , later ill write more ok...daa